
I have noticed that as soon as I relax, and let go of any gnawing concerns, even for just a few seconds or minutes, I instantly feel more at peace. I feel a sense of contentment, and even some slight undercurrents of joy! Try for yourself!

Method: Instant Relaxation

Find a little patch of time to relax, 3 to 5 minutes is all that is needed. And you can always extend this time, as you desire.

  1. Close your eyes. Send a message to your body to relax. Relax from head to toe.. scalp, eyes, face, neck, shoulders torso, arms, hand, legs and feet.
  2. Take 3 nice, slow , deep cleansing breaths. Inhale “peace”. Exhale “stress”.
  3. Imagine reeling in all your thoughts as if they were kites. Anything you have been preoccupied with, worried about, fuming about …. bring all your thoughts inward, reel them in, getting a sense they are now inside you, instead of scattered outside of you. Likely you will instantly feel more centered and grounded. You might even feel a little sense of peace and calm by centering your thoughts and mind like this.
  4. Body relaxed, gently focus on your breathing for a few moments.
  5. Feel your feet making contact with the ground, or your body making contact with the chair or surface below you. Open your eyes. Instant refresh.